On Sunday in the capital of Spain, thousands of citizens took to the streets in order to protest the government plan, which was recently adopted and provides for restriction of abortion.
In Spain, the capital’s residents took to the streets of the city, protesting against the government plan to limit abortion. It should be noted that the Spanish government in its decision was guided by the fact that most Catholics live in the state. The rally participants came to a demonstration with banners and posters, they shouted “my life”, “my right” and others. A special train from Northern Spain arrived at the event in the capital. Recall that the Spanish Prime Minister was forced to announce the failure of the previous law due to the pressure of the Catholic Church, which allows abortion to a period of 14 weeks. Although the new law at the moment has not passed the parliament in which most belongs to the People’s Party. However, most likely, it will allow abortion only in the event of a threat to physical or mental health or after rape. And at this time, the protesters accused the authorities of returning to the regime of forty years ago. Women complain that they will have to fly to London to have an abortion, since in their country they will be practically terrorists. By the way, the State Duma of the Russian Federation decided that for illegal abortions will be fine. Prior to the adoption of the bill, there was only criminal liability, to which they could attract doctors for termination of pregnancy, carried out without a corresponding medical education.
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