Yesterday, the international organization Human Rights Watch published a report in which the president of Cuba Raul Castro is accused of combating dissent on the island of Freedom. According to representatives of an organization engaged in a struggle for human rights, the Kubinsky leader continues to put citizens in prisons who just wanted to realize their right to main freedoms. Also, political prisoners, convicted during the reign of Fidel Castro, still remain in prisons. Raul continues to use the repressive apparatus created by his older brother to the whole coil. The report “Castro is another, Cuba – the same” states that the new Cuban leader continues to use the preventive norms of the Cuban Criminal Code, which allows you to hide a person to bars on the basis of suspicions. This is done so that he does not have time to carry out the plan. Only now the color of this norm is open political. The Cuban Government considers any manifestation of dissenting socially dangerous behavior. The organization Human Rights Watch, while on an island with an official mission, took more than 60 interviews and documented over 40 cases when preventive norms of the Criminal Code were applied to citizens trying to exercise their fundamental rights in relation to citizens trying to exercise their basic rights. In other words, citizens were imprisoned. So, for example, Ramon Velazque Comono participated in a peaceful march under the slogans of freedom to all political prisoners and respect for human rights. As a result, at the beginning of 2007, he was sentenced to three years in prison. At the end of 2006, the journalist of Raimundo Perdigigon Brito was convicted for four years, who allowed himself to publish his article on the arbitrariness of Cuban authorities in one of the foreign publications. Already in prison, guards regularly beat him and placed in a single camera.
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