An annually in the world the number of unemployed. According to the calculations of the ILO (International Labor Organization), the current year will not be an exception by increasing the number of unemployed people by 3.2 million people and, having reached the bar of 203.2 million.
203.2 million people – so many unemployed in the world community is expected by the end of the year, according to the information of the ILO. Analyzing the problem of unemployment, the number of unemployed people over the past year – 200 million people were called in the IOT. This number corresponds to 6% of the total number of able -bodied planets. ILO experts predict the growth of the indicator due to the growth of the number of entrepreneurs and businessmen in developing countries. The emergence of an economically active population can be associated with the possibility of obtaining various types of loans for business development both in banks and in organizations licensed for this type of activity. For example, in Russia, there are organizations providing micro-losers in a short time for both individuals and entrepreneurs. Reviews of Jet Mani-one of the micro-financial organizations engaged in micro-credit in the financial market confirm the correct choice of the specified company as a reliable creditor. Unemployment has a negative effect on youth. The unemployed indicator among those who are 15-24 years old is 73.6 million people, which is 4.1 million higher than the 2017 indicator. At the same time, an increase in labor migration has been outlined on the labor market. According to the forecasts of ILO experts, migrants will arrive in developing countries, where about 90% of labor places will open from the number of newly opened in the world. According to the ILO, the problem of unemployment is low wages. About 840 million workers work for $ 2 a day. In Russia, the unemployment rate is 1 million people or 5.4% of the able -bodied population of the country, which in the light of a total of 4 million indicates the stability of the country.
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