Scientists are concerned about the mass death of bee families

A lot of scientists today are inclined to the idea that the deaths of bee families in recent years are global in nature.

Scientists have calculated that on average one family of 30 thousand honey bees can visit about 2 million within one day. flowers.

The number of bee families in Europe in the past 20 years has been steadily declining. This trend is also observed in the USA, where the number of bee families, starting from the middle of the twentieth century, is steadily decreasing.

For the first time, the phenomenon of mass death of bee colonies was described by American beekeepers back in 2006, and over time it began to be called the “colony destruction syndrome”. The peculiarity of this syndrome was the disappearance of the backbone of the bee family, which once flew out of the hive, never returned to it.

The main factors that cause beekeeping decline in the USA and Europe, the vast majority of scientists consider socio-economic. For example, after the collapse of the Berlin wall, the number of bee families in Germany decreased by almost 75%.

When conducting agriculture, farmers go to any victims to obtain maximum crops. The main event to combat diseases and pests of agricultural crops are currently various chemicals. Starting from the 50-60s of the twentieth century in Europe and the United States, there was a noticeable surge in interest in the use of pesticides and insecticides. It was during this period of time that some beekeepers began to notice certain changes in the behavior of insects-pollinators.

Today in developed countries, farms began to actively abandon certain types of toxic chemicals and focus on biological drugs.

Over the past years, the bees have really begun to hurt a lot. Today, one of the most dangerous diseases that mows in the inhabitants of the hives is called Varroatosis.