Who will build an economy class housing on Koltush altitudes, was determined back in September last year. Then auctions were held for the sale of the right to conclude land lease agreements. A land plot with an area of 2.69 hectares was leased to the company Tobol LLC to carry out the construction of low -rise sectional houses with a number of floors of not more than five. A land plot with an area of 4 hectares was transferred to Sigma LLC for the construction of individual residential buildings. The Department of Public Relations of the RZHS Foundation noted that: “Auction documentation contained reliable and complete information about the land plots that are the subject of trading”. Throughout the year, the tenant of the site, according to the concluded agreement, must submit a project for the planning and land surveying of the territory to make a decision on the division of this land plot.
After that, developers must perform all their actions strictly in accordance with the Town Planning Code of Russia. In particular, during the development of documentation on the planning of this territory, the boundaries of the entire territory of cultural heritage sites should be taken into account. In addition, before the local authorities approve this documentation, the planning of the territory should be considered at public hearing, and also agreed with authorized state authorities. In addition, developers are obliged to send design documentation and engineering surveys of capital construction projects for state examination.
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