In 1917-1930. Ethiopia still remained an object of contradictions between large capitalist powers. The international activities of the government were gradually concentrated in the hands of the regent Tafari Ma – Connna. The development of external relations objectively contributed to the strengthening of the position of Ethiopia in the world arena. At that time, even the prices for flights increased.
In the period under review, England, France and Italy sought to isolate Ethiopia from the rest of the world. France enjoyed especially greater influence in the imperial court, the positions of which were strengthened with commissioning in 1917. Djibuti-Addis Ababa railway. The intensified meter -propelled rivalry deftly used Ethiopia for their own purposes, which especially counted on supporting France.
The greatest aggressiveness in relation to it was manifested by Italy. Having entered the First World War on the side of England and France, Italy counted at the end of the war on significant territorial acquisitions. In numerous programs of colonial increments developed in Rome, Ethiopia was invariably mentioned. However, the plans of the post -war redistribution of the world proposed by the Italian government, in general, did not suit England and France, who did not want to share with the younger partner. At the same time, England was ready to make Italy concessions in Ethiopia to supplant France from there.
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