This week, the Belgian parliament began to consider the issue of resolving the use of euthanasia to minor children, patients with incurable diseases. Belgium is one of the few states on the territory of which euthanasia is legalized. In 2002, in the first year of its legal permission, 200 Belgians decided to voluntary care for medical indicators, in 2012 their number increased to 1,200 people. According to the law, any Belgian, whose desire will be supported by at least two qualified doctors, if there is medical insurance and undergoing treatment in the kingdom of medical institution, has the right to legalized care. Previously, the law allowed voluntary suicide incurable patients who have reached the age of majority. This week, Belgian lawmakers have begun debates by law that will apply a legalized murder to hopelessly sick children. According to the Belgian newspaper Le Soir, a number of Belgian parties, having created an alliance in this matter, have already prepared a bill that allows legalizing euthanasia against minor children. According to him, for the commission of euthanasia, in addition to the consent of the sick child, his parents are also necessary. In addition, the statement should be applied to the conclusion of a qualified psychologist, who first, during a conversation with the patient, must make sure that the baby is fully aware of the irrevocability of his decision, that he really decided to pass away. If, for the causes of the disease, the child is not able to make a decision and the disease has already affected his brain, the resolution of doctors and the solution of parents are enough. As for the Belgian society, according to a public opinion poll, three quarters of the Belgians approve of a new bill. A little less than half of them said their solid “yes” euthanasia for minors, 36% fluctuate, but still inclined towards the adoption of the law. Recall, at the moment, the legal murder for medical indicators – euthanasia, is legalized in three European states. In addition to the kingdom of Belgium, it is allowed in the Netherlands and Luxembourg. Doctors of Germany and Switzerland can prepare a medicine for the patient, which will help him to leave, but only the patient can accept it.
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