In the very near future, the Cuban authorities plan to land on the island about half a million royal palm trees in order to compensate for damage, which was inflicted on the vegetable world of Cuba by large hurricanes that fell on the island state in recent years. This was the other day reported by the Cuban State Forestry Service. According to the data received from the island authorities, who fell on Cuba over the past ten years, hurricanes Michelle, Arlen, Aik, Gustav, Charlie, Denis and Palom deprived the island of more than 285,000 most valuable royal palm trees, which have been considered rightfully considered for many years now The national treasure of Cuba. It is expected that new palm trees will be planted on unsuccessful lands, in the fields, along roads, in city parks and other places of mass recreation of citizens. To date, the tree landing program has already started in the provinces of Kamagai and SENFEGOS located in the East and in the center of the country. It is here that local authorities plan to plant 40,000 and 150,000 palm trees every year, respectively.
For such mass landing of trees, agricultural units, workers of agricultural operatures, as well as employees of sugarcane processing enterprises will be involved. Considerable work was done at the preparatory stage. To grow seedlings, a number of special nurseries were organized on the territory of the island. Recall that the royal palm tree is perhaps the most common tree in a cube, which gained wide fame not only due to its fantastic beauty, but also unusually valuable qualities of wood. In addition, the royal palm tree is also a holy tree for Cubans, which are adherents of syncretic belief that combines African cults and a Catholic tradition.
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