Kirov region will increase living space by more than 2 million. square meters by 2015

According to the approved program “Development of housing construction in the Kirov region from 2012 to 2015” and the task of the Ministry of Regional Development for the indicated five years will be built more than 2 million. square meters of living space. This was announced after the meeting of the Government of the region by Yuri Vishnevsky, head of the Department of Construction and Architecture.

According to the declared program since 2015, up to 645 thousand will be introduced annually. square meters of housing, earlier this figure was much smaller. In the field of low -rise construction, this figure will increase to 380 thousand. square meters. The purpose of the regional program is the development of housing construction, or rather form a market for affordable and comfortable housing only for economy classes and increase housing construction in the field.

In order to develop new territories, investment projects have been developed that can help provide new microdistricts of complex residential buildings with new and high-quality traffic networks, social and communal infrastructures. All legal entities will be provided with compensation for the interest rate on loans in the process of implementing projects from the region. These are loans that they will take in order to create the desired infrastructure and roads. In order to simplify the task of obtaining land for construction, the RHS fund will work in the direction of involving federal lands in this process. All developers are already focusing on the use of only energy -efficient technologies and environmental raw materials.

For five years, according to the created program, the specific gravity of housing should grow from 15 %, as it was in 2010, up to 39 %. The goal of increasing the total area of ​​housing per inhabitant from 0.28 square meters, as in 2010, up to 0.5 square meters annually, was also set to increase until 2015.